Plataforma educativa

Author: Colegio San Pascual

Today, January 30, the students of San Pascual have celebrated the day of peace with different activities in the classroom and in the playground.
Care center for people with mental illness
As Giner de los Rios said, the experience of getting to know firsthand and in a direct way the contents given at class is the best way to learn.
Last Tuesday, December 17, the preschool students enjoyed a different afternoon with their families in our Winter Workshop included in the Seasons Project.
As our school is immersed in the Beda program,
Christmas is coming, an endearing time of the year in which we encourage illusion and good intentions.
This Friday, our 3rd and 4th grade primary school students have finished their stay at La Chimenea.
Our Sanpascualin@s who went in for the Cambridge Yle exams have collected their certificates, with high marks.
Attending school represents the first step for children away from their family environment and, therefore, a departure from familiar reference models
Our 2nd and 3rd cycle students from Sanpascual have experienced the biggest learning opportunity of the course at Micrópolix.