Colegio San Pascual La educación como valor

Plataforma educativa


On an educative day full of learning and enviromental conciousness, our SanPascualinos from 4th, 5th and 6th grade took part in a workshop which was about enviromental awareness. This workshop aimed at showing pupils the essential difference between waste and remnant, as well as the importance of recycling with a view to taking care of our planet.

There was an special emphasis on the 3R rule; Reduce, Reuse and Recycle so as to minimize the negative impact on enviroment. One of the most outstanding times was the time they were told about the waste management, in which our pupils could learn how to distinguish plastics, glass and paper. Moreover, they put emphasis on the importance of sorting the waste out.

In the second parto f the workshop, they inroduced trash bins according to their colors. Each color answer for a different meaning, contributing to an effective classification. Hence, our pupils learnt;

Yellow trash can: They should contain plastic packages, bricks and cans.

Blue tash can: Paper and cardboards

Geen tash can: They are to contain Glass

Organic trash can: Organic waste, leftovers.

Black/Gey trash can: Non-recycable wastes

Not only did this workshop provide valuable information about the importance of looking after our enviroment, but also promted our pupils to take up an active role in the proctection of our planet. San Pascual School prides itself on fostering enviromental awareness among its students,making its best so as to turn them into commited and responsible citizens.