BEDA Bilingual Project
What is beda Bilingual Inglés Development & Assessment Program?


The incorporation to the BEDA Program will require the presentation, by the interested center, of a project that meets the requirements specified in the corresponding call. These requirements will focus, fundamentally, on a plan for the implementation of English language teaching; on a proposal for teacher training and on an external evaluation project, both of the students and of the project itself. An Evaluation Commission constituted for this purpose, made up of members of the secretariat of Escuelas Católicas de Madrid and professionals of the BEDA Program, will be in charge of the selection of the centers, as well as their annual review.
The incorporation into the BEDA Program implies, for the schools admitted, the right to continuous advice from the management team and those in charge of the program; the right to ongoing training, offered by the Pedagogical Department of FERE-CECA MADRID with the collaboration of the Macmillan publishing house; and the application of an external evaluation of the students and of the Center’s own project through Cambridge ESOL. Likewise, the incorporation to the BEDA Program will allow the center to display, in the public place it deems appropriate, a plaque acknowledging such participation.

This year we have the presence in the classrooms of Emmet, a young man from Ireland, from Colorado, who is working as a conversation assistant with all the students of the school. Hannah’s presence is a great opportunity for our students and is not only a linguistic enrichment, but also an intercultural one. Every week the students have a session dedicated to oral expression, guided by the assistant.
The assistant’s work is coordinated with the English teachers, so that their activities are designed to reinforce the grammatical content and vocabulary seen in the classroom. With the younger children we work through stories and songs, working on phonetics.
Day by day, with the help of the assistant, the students go deeper into learning and perfecting the English language and learning more about British culture.
We hope to learn a lot of English with your help!
with the collaboration of the Macmillan publishing house; and the application of an external evaluation of the students and of the Center’s own project through Cambridge ESOL. Likewise, the incorporation to the BEDA Program will allow the center to display, in the public place it deems appropriate, a plaque acknowledging such participation.