The 18th of April, 5th and 6th grade class received a visit from María del Pozo, who is in charge of the Cultural Delegation of Aranjuez and José Antonio López, who is a writer that tells wonderful stories about the history of Aranjuez. At first, María del Pozo explained to us why Aranjuez is so important as a World Heritage Site recognized by UNESCO. While the kids were learning about Aranjuez, they also practiced English. María made them participate by asking questions in English (Have you ever been to a Palace?). After that, we walk around Aranjuez street and we discovered many curiosities about our town such as the distribution of the streets; the relationship between the Palace of Aranjuez and the Church of San Antonio; the symmetry of the palace as everybody can see from the Parterre. As we go a little further into the island’s Garden we see the fountain of the Child of the Thorn, which represents a child who only worries about the thorn that has stuck in his foot, symbolizing the simplicity so that children pay attention to small things. Aranjuez is a stunning place!