Colegio San Pascual La educación como valor

Plataforma educativa


Today, May 9th, has been a special day for everyone. As a Catholic school, we had the immense pleasure of receiving our Bishop’s assistant, Don José María Avendaño, who, on a pastoral visit, came to get to know us and share the morning with us all.

At 11.30am, our principal, Mª Teresa, received Don José María who arrived accompanied by our parish priest, Don Eduardo.

After a first greeting and subsequent meeting with the management team and the religion teachers, our principal gave him a souvenir with the emblem of the school’s 50th anniversary, along with a notebook with a sample of everything the children have done for this occasion.

Don José María toured the school with our principal, visited the school’s 50th anniversary exhibition, and visited all the classrooms where the children were able to greet him and ask him questions.

Finally, the 5th and 6th grade students performed some musical pieces for him on the flute.

We all enjoyed his closeness and affability. It was a real pleasure to have him among us. From here we thank him for coming to our school, we hope he takes with him a pleasant memory of us all along with our love.