
From the very first minute we become parents we move in a sea with waves of illusion, joy and happiness, although we cannot ignore that in the immensity of that sea there is also room for doubts, fears and the demands of the journey we are starting. However, in the midst of these tides full of emotions and values, there is something that we feel with the same transparency as the water in its calm hours… we want happiness for our children. We know that, to achieve this goal, they must grow up observing, perceiving, feeling and learning because only then will they be captains of their own ship tomorrow. We take the helm with strength as captains of their still small boats, knowing that life on board is love and the teaching of values. Beware of trusting! Because storms come on the voyage, some expected and others unforeseen, in which those little sailors will imitate our reactions and listen to our opinions and advice on how to know how to get through the storm. This will undoubtedly be the most important part of such a precious voyage, where our actions will not be able to contradict our words and the moment when other people will join the crew to participate in the education of the adventurous sailors, collaborating in such an important task. Choosing the crew, like all important choices, requires reflection and coherence with the principles and values that as captains we want to transmit to our sailors. It will be at that moment when as captain I will be aware that I am not alone in the storm, nor in the face of unexpected tides or in the contrast of the calm that allows me to enjoy the breeze, because the crew that I chose and in which I placed my trust, will watch over my little sailors so that they begin to steer their own boat.
The crew of San Pascual thanks you for entrusting us with the education of your children!