Our educational offer: Early Childhood Education
Our main objective is to achieve the COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATION of our students, future men and women of tomorrow, through a quality education that takes care of both the aspects of knowledge management and those related to personal development: values, attitudes and norms, the central axis of LEARNING TO BE.
We foster in our students attitudes of solidarity, tolerance and respect, educating them in Christian values to achieve a coexistence based on dialogue and understanding.
General objectives of the stage
School and family are terms associated as one of the first and most important references to the concept of education. From this perspective, Colegio San Pascual declares as its educational intentions:
- To develop habits of individual and team work, effort and responsibility in study, as well as attitudes of self-confidence.
- To understand and respect the values of our civilization, cultural and personal differences, equal rights and opportunities for men and women.
- To know and use appropriately the Spanish language, developing reading habits, as an essential tool for learning the rest of the areas.
- To acquire in a foreign language the basic communicative competence that allows them to express and understand simple messages and to cope in everyday situations.
- To develop basic mathematical skills and begin to solve problems that require the performance of elementary calculation operations.
- Encourage the students' capacity for relationships, imagination and expression, using the various resources offered by artistic expression.
- To value hygiene and health, to know and respect the human body, and to use physical education and sports as a means to promote personal and social development.
- To develop all areas of the personality, as well as an attitude against violence and prejudice of any kind.